Friday, November 6, 2015

Weekly Update for November 9th-13th, 2015

Dear Parents and Families,
Good Afternoon! I wanted to let you all know that report cards came home in the communication folders today. If your students has all A's or A's and B's congratulations they made the honor roll. Honor roll recognition will be on Wednesday, Nov. 11th at 8:00 during the morning show in the upper half of the library. I am so proud of the students and all their hard work and I know you all must be as well.  Thank you all for your support from home and working alongside me to help your student be successful.. You all are simply the best!  Have a great weekend and I look forward to another great week here at Lake Carolina Upper Campus.

ps. Don't forget about our Veteran's Day Lunch on Wednesday. If you are planning on attending and have not sent in the reservation notice please do so soon so that we can give the lunchroom staff an idea of how many to plan for.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all you do, I love the impact you have on my daughter, Mrs. Taylor
